Monday, November 23, 2009

Journal Day 3

In day 3 before i started to carry on i asked one of the student in
my group to give me an idea on website so that i can carry on to my
create. After he gave me the idea i started the create stage.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

journal day 2

In day 2 we talked to each other for 5 minutes and then we started the create.

journal Day 1

In day one we my group discussed about what each of us do. before class finished we discussed our roles.

Sunday, March 22, 2009



Final Evaluation

Now we finshed our project and we only need to do our presentation. Some days i work very hard and some days i get off task. My team mates work very good but there is one person that doesn't work well and i will not mention his name. We finshed our comics early so we made 2 more comics. Staying in task would be one of the improvements and chosing our team mates correctly. We finshed before the estimated time so we made 2 more comics. I think it would have a stronger impact on the primary but could be used also by the senior school.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

What is Bullying

Bullying is when someone that thinks that he is the best person
in school or in some where else.

80% of the people in the world don't like bullying but the rest
of the people have something to do with bullying.

Now i will show you websites about bullying.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Final Evaluation Questions

All of my products worked well, and some of my product worked well
but the others didn't do as good as the other one.

For the design cycle i followed ever step. For the investigation, first i investigate then i made the design after it i create and last thing i did is Attitudes in Technology.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Major asesment

About My web

In class in the last 2 weeks we started working on i web.
in i web my topic was about earthquakes. In i web i made
4 pages. Most of the information i got from Google and Wikipedia.

My design fits the drawing plan that i made before i started working on i web.
My topic is about earth quakes. i got my information from three
websites, the three websites are Google, youtube and Wikipedia.
My i web has only four pages the four pages are videos, gallery,
earthquake and how do earthquake happen. every thing in my
i web is working. But i had problems putting the videos. But
every thing else worked well.
I don't have a emergency plan but i have a reference page.

These are my screen shots.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Guided Question


There are websites that leads you to a bad websites and there are websites that

leads you to a good websites. A word of advice: Don't use Google a lot to find


The best tool to use is, and delicious.
If you want to find any information you can use these websites.
For me these are the best websites i ever so. If you like to use
Google, then you can use Google but write the information specifically.
If you didn't find the information in these websites that i gave you then
you can use Google, yahoo or gahooyoogle. This is my advice and this
is the greatest websites.