Monday, October 20, 2008


In our investigation we learned about robots. A robot is a machene that works 24 hour. A robot has four parts. The four parts are Sensors, processors, Actuators and power. If a robot doesn't have these parts then it will not do the task or his orders. Robot does his work faster then humans thats why humans buy a robot.
Last Thursday we started making a robot.In that day we used lego mindstorms.Lego mindstorms is a piece of lego that you join together to make a big lego. With legomindstorms you can build any thing you wan't, even you can build a robot.We need to program the robot because if we didn't program it then it will notknow what to do, so we must give the robot an order or instruction.ReflectionLast Thursday our robot didn't work because we didn't make a design for therobot. When we finished making the robot, the robot didn't work. It didn't workbecause we didn't prgram it so the robot didn't work.

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